This Fertilizer stock for 25% – 75% gains

This stock is a slow moving stock and is solid business house. With a near zero debt and a 0.5 Price / Book Value this stock is attractive in its space. Company is struggling to get stable sales growth in the recent quarters with 20% deviation in quarterly sales numbers and EPS. This could be due to Covid related impact on the overall eco system. Once the sales numbers are stabilized and the value buying comes in the stock can see new highs.

Stock Name GSFC – Gujarat State Fertilizers & Chemicals Ltd

Stock has shown 5 positive flag patterns in last 7 months and a strong consolidation at 78 levels. Below is the summary of data used by me for the stock analysis. On daily charts Money flow index is healthy and stable with a positive breakout in signal line for MACD. The stock has shown over 34.5% of average delivery in last 180 days.

Fundamentally the company is lacking in sales growth , but due to rural focus in covid and increased demand of agri products , the chemicals & fertilizer sector is set to boom in coming monsoon .

Book Value192ROE1.50%
TTM Sales6800 CrsROCE3.50%
Market Cap3500 Crs50 DMA85
DebtNearly Zero200 DMA75
Current Price90  
Target 11082 Months 
Target 2169.66 Months 

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